The pot of gold is at the Maumelle Diamond Softball Complex. Photographer: Chrissy Barr (4/24/14)
In case of a rainout, an email will be sent to all players. Coaches will be notified and instructed to inform their teams. Check out our Website and Facebook page for field status as well.
The mere presence of rain does not mean that games will be cancelled (and just because it is raining in Little Rock does not mean it is raining on the field). Our fields drain well, so even a hard rain late in the day may not affect our games. Our policy is to attempt to play all games when feasible. The Softball Chairman will determine field playablilty as soon as reasonably possible prior to the beginning of the 6:00 games. On-field officials can also cancel a game at the field of play, if necessary. Coaches are not to call off games without authorization from a member of the MSA Board.
Reasons for cancelling games:
1) It has rained most of the day of the scheduled game and there is standing water on the field.
2) It has rained for several days prior to the scheduled game and the fields are wet to the point where playing the game will destroy the playing surface.
3) It is raining at the time of the scheduled game and the temperature is low enough to make conditions unbearable for the children.
4) The presence of lightning - 3 strikes and you're out. The first lightning strike will cause a 30 minute delay, with subsequent strikes re-setting the 30 minute delay. Three strikes within 30 minutes will result in cancellation.
The MSA Softball Board will do everything in its power to play all scheduled games that are listed on each team's schedule. Due to field availability and time constraints, we cannot guarantee that all games that become rained-out will be rescheduled.
In case of inclement weather the MSA Softball web page will be used to indicate the field conditions and the status of games as well as to provide other weather related information. The site is typically updated by 4:30 PM on game days. If games start and the weather turns bad and necessitates the cancellation of later games, the website will be updated as soon as possible.
We strongly encourage each parent to check the website up to 30 minutes prior to coming to the fields for games. If the website doesn't indicate any adverse weather conditions, postponements, or cancellation then everyone should assume that all games for that day are being played as scheduled.